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Tribe Events

Tribe Transformation: Conquer the Health Challenge and Unleash Your Best Self!

This is going to be an opportunity for not only our members to build healthy and sustainable habits, but also for anyone in the surrounding community!

By Sarah.Cobian

2 minute(s)

2024 IS HERE! We’re so excited to announce this year’s Health Challenge. This is going to be an opportunity for not only our members to build healthy and sustainable habits, but also for anyone in the surrounding community! That’s right, we are opening up the Health Challenge to anyone who wants to make 2024 their healthiest year yet. 


What is the 2024 Health Challenge?

This will be a nine-month event that will be kicked off with a community event each month for the first three months. At these community events there will be group workouts, vendors, and guest speakers that will be specific to the focus of the month. The community events will be brought back in July, August and September.


How will you keep track?

We are putting the responsibility on the participants this year to help encourage a sustainable lifestyle and to help build good habits. Your progress can be recorded and tracked in the Health Challenge Notebooks that will be sold at the first community event. Every month participants can earn two stickers that can be placed in the back of this notebook. 


What is the Prize?

At the end of the three months, each participant who has collected all six stickers will gain an opportunity to spin a Prize Wheel! You could win:

At the end of NINE months, if you have participated in all community events and have collected all 12 stickers, you will be entered into a raffle to earn one free month of either CrossFit, Barbell Basics, or Ride at Tribe!


February Community Event:

The 2024 Health Challenge will be kicked off on Saturday, February 10 and will focus on Mobility and Recovery. The day will start with our regularly scheduled morning CrossFit class and Ride at Tribe class. Afterwards, Evan Pham, physical therapist will answer question about recovery and mobility. Then Beto, will teach a recovery and mobility class


Ways to earn stickers in February

Your first sticker of the month can be earned by attending our Community Event on Saturday, February 10 where you can learn invaluable information about why recovery and mobility is so important for your health, and ways that you can incorporate both into your life.


The second sticker can be earned by partaking in any of the following activities at least twice per week: Tribe Athletics’ Recovery and Mobility class with Beto Vega, completing the mobility portion of the Mayhem Programming, or taking a yoga class of any kind outside of Tribe.

February Community Event Schedule:

9:00 am – 9:30 am Q & A with Evan Pham, physical therapist

9:30 am – 11:00 am Recovery and Mobility with Beto 



Grab your friends, family and neighbors and let’s kick off this year strong!


Tribe Health Challenge 2024

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Author: Shannon Tucker