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Functional Fitness

Move Well, Live Well

We are firm believers that pursuing excellence in life begins with holding yourself accountable to a fitness program that aligns with your goals.

By Sarah.Cobian

2 minute(s)

What is fitness?

Fitness is a term we often hear, but what does it truly entail? Is it about bench pressing 300 pounds, running a 6-minute mile, competing in sports, achieving a certain physique, or simply playing with your kids? The answer is that it can encompass all of these things and more. At Tribe, we believe that the essence of fitness lies in being a person unhindered by movement, someone who can perform everyday tasks exceptionally well. In this blog, we’ll explore how our fitness program is designed to help you excel in all aspects of life, from the gym to your daily routines.

Tribe’s Fitness Goals

  1. 1. Chasing Excellence: We are firm believers that pursuing excellence in life begins with holding yourself accountable to a fitness program that aligns with your goals. With over a decade of experience in serving our community, we have found that CrossFit, coupled with a healthy diet, is one of the most effective ways to savor life to the fullest. Our dedicated coaching staff is committed to helping you actively engage in all that life has to offer, rather than being a passive spectator.
  2. The Importance of Movement: No matter what stage of life you’re in, the ability to perform both simple and complex movement patterns is crucial. We often underestimate the value of these skills until they become essential. As we age, independence in movement becomes less common, which is why we emphasize learning proper technique and mechanics. This not only extends your longevity in the gym but also enhances your life beyond its walls.
  3. A Community of Excellence: Our gym is a diverse and vibrant community filled with dynamic, hardworking, and amazing individuals. We hold each other accountable as we pursue our unique fitness goals. At Tribe, we firmly believe that fitness and the freedom of movement are not exclusive to a select few; they are for everyone. If you’ve ever considered trying CrossFit, we invite you to make Tribe your first stop on your fitness journey.

“At Tribe, we redefine fitness as the ability to move freely, excel in everyday tasks, and actively participate in all aspects of life.”

Whether you aspire to conquer personal records, achieve optimal health, or simply enjoy an active lifestyle, our CrossFit program is designed to help you reach your goals. Join our inclusive and supportive community and discover how fitness can be more than just a buzzword; it can be a way of life.

Ready to experience the Tribe difference? Embrace your fitness journey today and let us help you chase excellence in every facet of your life.


Written By: Dustin Savella, Director of CrossFit